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전자정부로고대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원


학술포스터 : 번호, 제목, 행사기간을 제공해주는 목록 입니다.
번호 제목 행사기간
318 Occurrence of Peanut Wilting Disease Caused by Pythium myriotylum in Korea .. ~ ..
317 들깨 기능성 유용 대사체 분석 .. ~ ..
316 Multivariate statistical analysis using FT-IR spectrum data of Soybean Core Collection in Korea .. ~ ..
315 Determination of Nutrition facts, Anti-oxidation Activity and Inflammatory reactivity of Salicornia herbacea L. by different Solvent Extraction .. ~ ..
314 The effects of yield properties, antioxidant contents, and pollen viability of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis L.) response in temperature gradient greenhouse and growth periods .. ~ ..
313 콩 유전자교정 작물 개발을 위한 기반 구축 .. ~ ..
312 땅콩 흰비단병 (Agroathelia rolfsii) 살균제 방제 효과 비교 .. ~ ..
311 ‘Hyemalgeun’: A new Covered Barley Variety with Low Proanthocyanidin Content Suitable for Making Clear Sikhye .. ~ ..
310 A new mid maturing and high-eating quality japonica rice variety ‘Chamjinmi’ derived from Korea native resources .. ~ ..
309 QTL analysis for chlorophyll content under low nitrogen conditions in RILs derived from Korean japonica rice to improve yield potential .. ~ ..
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ㆍ담당부서 기획조정과 ㆍ문의전화 063-238-5153 ㆍ갱신주기 년1회