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Rural Development Administration National Institute of Crop Science


Highland Agriculture Research Institute

We strive to develop and distribute of potato and high-income crop varieties; and develop utilization enhancing technologies as well as foundational technologies for eco-friendly highland agriculture.
  • Develop and distribute potato varieties for stable food supply
    • Cultivating high-quality new varieties by crop type delayed browning Golden Ball, for chip making High Chip, etc.
    • Expanding distribution of region-specific new varieties for Chungnam province, Boseong Geumsun, etc., Buan Eunsun, etc.
  • Develop and disseminate highly functional income crop varieties for off-season
    • Cultivating and disseminating highly functional or ornamental new buckwheat varieties bitter-tasting Hwanggeum-Miso, etc.
    • Developing and disseminating high-income, off-season (summer) strawberry varieties Goseul, Miha, etc.
  • Develop soil and pest/disease management technology for eco-friendly, safe production of highland crops
    • Developing cultivation technology for soil conservation on slopes and ‘microbial fertilizers’ to control Verticillium wilt on potato and Chinese cabbage