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전자정부로고대한민국 공식 전자정부 누리집입니다.

과피층 제거에 따른 현미의 이화학특성 및 현미밥의 식감변화
In this study, the effect of degree of milled wax layer on compositions (protein and total dietary fiber content), Alkali Digestion Value (ADV), and texture (hardness, stickiness, toughness, and adhesiveness) with brown rice was investigated. For all the rice cultivars, Baegjinju,Keunnun, Samkwang, and Seolgaeng, protein content decreased significantly as the degree of pericarp milling increased(p<0.05). Total dietary fiber (TDF) content for Keunnun (9.56%→8.09%) and Samkwang (8.05%→7.06%) significantly decreased with the degree of removed wax layer. ADV was not affected by being removed wax layer, but ADV of Samkwang was increased from 3.56 to 6.78. As the degree of removed wax layer increased (0%→10%), hardness and toughness of cooked brown rice were decreased but stickiness and adhesiveness was increased. The ratio of adhesiveness to hardness was increased with decreased wax layer of brown rice. Accordingly, It suggests that the regulation of the wax layer with brown rice was effected texture of cooked brown rice. The milling technology in wax layer of brown rice is that might be thought to be very useful in rice processing industry.
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